How to Raise pH in Your Pool!

How to Raise pH in Your Pool!
Your pool’s chemical balance matters. Swimmers complain about stinging eyes, pool equipment starts to corrode, and maintaining proper chemistry becomes a challenge. Every pool owner needs to know how to raise pH levels in their water.

Pool pH Basics

The right pH level is very important in keeping your swimming pool in good shape. Your pool’s pH measures how acidic or basic your pool water is on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.
Rectangular pool with a scenic view.

What is pH and why it matters

Your pool’s pH level shows the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water. pH forms the foundation of all water chemistry in pool maintenance. It affects your sanitizers’ performance and your swimmers’ comfort.

Ideal pH levels for swimming pools

Your pool’s pH sweet spot ranges between 7.2 and 7.8. The best pH comes from a slightly narrower range of 7.4 to 7.6. These numbers match your body’s natural pH levels, which makes swimming comfortable and protects your pool equipment.

Effects of improper pH balance

Your pool faces several challenges when pH levels drift from the ideal range.

  • Equipment Effects: Low pH can corrode metal components and damage pool surfaces. High pH creates clogs equipment.
  • Swimmer Comfort: Both low and high pH levels can cause problems.
    • Stinging eyes and nasal passages
    • Dry, itchy skin
    • Brittle hair

pH directly affects how well your chlorine works. Your chlorine becomes less effective at sanitizing water when pH rises too high. You’ll need more chemicals and money to maintain proper sanitation levels.

Important Tools for pH Testing

You need the right testing tools to get accurate pH readings for your pool. Our team at Poseidon Pools & Spas has seen how proper testing helps maintain your pool’s balance.

Pool test kit and chemicals.

Different testing methods compared

You have three main options to test your pool’s pH levels. Each option comes with its own advantages!

Testing Method


Ease of Use


Test Strips


Very Easy


Liquid Test Kits




Digital Meters




How to choose the right testing kit

Pick a testing method that matches your needs. Test strips give quick results and work great for routine checks. Liquid test kits are more accurate and professionals use them often. These kits are perfect if you take pool maintenance seriously. Digital pH meters give the most precise readings but need regular calibration and proper care. Here are the key factors to think about when picking your testing equipment.

  • Storage conditions (cool, dry place away from sunlight)
  • Shelf life of testing materials
  • Frequency of pool usage
  • Budget constraints

Step-by-step testing process

Test your pool water at least every week during swimming season to get reliable results. Here’s how to get accurate readings.

  • Collect your water sample from 18 inches below the surface
  • Stay away from skimmer openings or return jets when sampling
  • Follow your testing method’s specific instructions
  • Test right after collection for best results
  • Keep your testing supplies properly stored after use
You should test more often during heavy pool use or after major weather events. A pool professional can give you a detailed water analysis that is a great way to get results.

Safe Methods to Raise Pool pH

Pool pH levels sometimes need adjustment, and several methods can help you fix this.
Hands adding reagent drops to a pool water test kit to measure pH and chlorine levels.

Using soda ash

Soda ash (sodium carbonate) serves as the quickest way to raise pH levels. The addition of 6 ounces of soda ash per 10,000 gallons of pool water increases pH by 0.2 points.
  • Pre-dissolve the soda ash in a bucket of pool water
  • Distribute the solution around the pool’s perimeter
  • Keep the pump running for proper circulation
  • Wait 24-48 hours for any cloudiness to clear

Baking soda as an alternative

Baking soda becomes your best option if both pH and alkalinity need adjustment. The addition of 1.5 pounds of baking soda per 10,000 gallons raises alkalinity by approximately 10 ppm. Baking soda’s main effect targets alkalinity, but it also offers a pH increase that works great for minor adjustments.

Natural aeration techniques

Aeration provides a chemical-free way to raise pH levels. This method releases CO2 from the water and naturally increases pH without affecting alkalinity.
  • Adjusting return jets to create surface agitation
  • Running water features or fountains
  • Operating pool features that create water movement
Poseidon Pools & Spas recommends water testing 20 minutes after any chemical treatment to verify desired results. Our team stands ready to provide professional guidance if you need help choosing the best method for your situation.

Common pH Problems and Solutions

Stable pH levels might seem hard to maintain, but knowing the common problems makes them easier to handle
Hand placing a chlorine tablet into a blue floating dispenser by a swimming pool.

Identifying causes of low pH

Chlorine tablets are the usual reason you get consistently low pH, with levels around 3. There’s other reasons your pool’s pH might drop!
  • Acidic rainfall (typically pH 5.6, sometimes as low as 4.1)
  • Heavy leaf debris and organic materials
  • Dirt and mulch contamination
  • Stagnant water conditions

Preventing pH fluctuations

Your pool’s total alkalinity (TA) acts as a natural pH buffer and helps maintain stable levels. You should aim for a TA range between 50-90 ppm. A balanced alkalinity means fewer pH swings and less time spent adjusting chemicals.

When to seek professional help

You can handle many pH issues on your own, but some situations need professional help. A professional should step in when these things happen!
  • Chemical adjustments show no results after 24-48 hours
  • Your pool has persistent cloudiness or scaling
  • Your equipment shows signs of corrosion or damage
  • You face complex filtration system issues
The team at Poseidon Pools & Spas knows that perfect pH balance needs experience and consistent monitoring. Quick detection of pH problems protects your equipment from damage and keeps your pool safe and enjoyable.

Do You Need Pool Chemical Services?

Professional pool maintenance will save you time and give you perfect chemical balance throughout the year. Poseidon Pools & Spas’ technicians help pool owners in the South Texas area keep their pools clear and perfectly balanced. Our team can handle your maintenance or help when pH issues come up. Reach out to us today!

Pool pH FAQs

How can I quickly raise the pH level in my pool?

The fastest way to raise your pool’s pH is by using soda ash (sodium carbonate). Dissolve the appropriate amount in a bucket of pool water, then distribute it around the pool’s perimeter while the pump is running.

What should I do if my pool's pH is too low?

You can use soda ash for a quick pH increase, or baking soda if you need to raise both pH and alkalinity. Apply the chosen product around the pool’s perimeter with the pump running.

Does adding chlorine shock affect the pH of my pool?

Yes, adding chlorine shock can raise the pH level of your pool water. When chlorine reacts with organic matter in the water, it tends to make the water more alkaline.

What's the difference between pH increaser and baking soda for pool maintenance?

While both can raise pH, they serve slightly different purposes. pH increaser (soda ash) is primarily used when only the pH needs to be raised. Baking soda, on the other hand, is used when both pH and total alkalinity need to be increased.

How do I address both low pH and low alkalinity in my pool?

When dealing with both low pH and low alkalinity, it’s generally recommended to address the alkalinity first. Start by adding sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to raise the alkalinity. Once the alkalinity is in the proper range, retest the pH. If it’s still low, then use sodium carbonate (soda ash) to bring the pH up to the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6.

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